Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABAC) Policy

Medivest Sdn Bhd adopts a zero tolerance policy against all forms of bribery and corruption. Medivest do not condone and will not participate or be involved in activities which have any elements of bribery and corruption, whether in our daily operational activities or in any special projects, with our business associates, person(s) associated with the Company, any public officials and/or any dealings with other external parties.

We adopt a “No Gifts” policy and prohibit offering or accepting of any hospitality from any parties. Under no circumstances Medivest will entertain any facilitation of payments or specific contribution to any external parties.

We strongly encourage reporting (whistleblowing) of real or suspected cases of bribery and corruption without fear of retaliation or reprisal. All real or suspected cases of bribery and corruption can be reported via email to whistleblower@medivest.com.my.

Whistleblower Policy

Policy Statement

Whistleblower procedure provides a safe and protected avenue for all employees of Medivest and members of the public to disclose any corruption and misconduct in accordance with the procedures.

Objective Of This Policy

This policy is to provide an avenue for all employees of Medivest and members of the public to disclose any improper conduct in accordance with the procedures as provided for under this policy and to provide protection to those who report such allegations.

Scope Of The Policy

This policy is designed to facilitate employees and members of the public to disclose any concern or improper through internal channel. Such misconduct or criminal offences include the following:

  1. Bribery & corruption
  2. Breach of data confidentiality or privacy
  3. Conflict of interest
  4. Fraud & breach of trust
  5. Abuse of gifts, entertainment & hospitality benefits
  6. Spreading malicious rumours about Medivest via social media or business communications
  7. Harassment & sexual misconduct
  8. Malpractice in service delivery
  9. Abuse of authority for personal interest
  10. Substance and alcohol abuse
  11. Theft or misuse of Company’s assets
  12. Assisting a person to commit any of the above instances of misconduct.

Applicability Of The Policy

Subject to the requirement of applicable local jurisdiction, this policy applies to members of the public, employees, directors, shareholders, consultants, vendors, contractors or any parties involved in a business relationship with Medivest.

Procedure In Making A Disclosure

All disclosures are to be channelled to a dedicated whistleblowing email address: whistleblower@medivest.com.my. Disclosures submitted via mail, Whatsapp message, telephone call or any other medium besides the dedicated email address will not be entertained.

All disclosures should contain the following information:

  1. Details of the Whistleblower i.e. name, phone number, staff ID (if Medivest staff), office location
  2. Details of person(s) involved i.e. name, position, phone number, office location
  3. Details of allegation i.e. what, where, how and when the alleged misconduct/ criminal offence took place

Anonymous Whistleblowing

Reports can be made anonymously. However, the following information should, wherever possible be provided:

  1. The identity of the person involved
  2. The type of wrongdoing with detailed and factual particulars e.g. type & value of gratification, benefit or reward expected
  3. The date, time & place of the incident

Your Identity Is Protected

A Whistleblower will be accorded with protection under the Policy consistent with the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010, provided that the complaint is made in good faith. Such protection is accorded even if the investigation later reveals that the Whistleblower is mistaken as to the facts and the rules and procedures involved.


Upon the completion of the whistleblowing process and procedures, the Whistleblower will be accorded the privilege to be notified on the outcome of the disclosure.

Medivest reserves the right to amend this policy from time to time.